City Of Heroes Mastermind Alpha Slot


  • The Alpha Slot is the first 'level' of the Incarnate System which launched with Issue 19. The Alpha Slot includes a Level Shift at higher tiers. The Common and Uncommon boosts were released with Issue 19; the Rare and Very Rare boosts were released with the Strike Pack, a post Issue 19 update on February 2, 2011.
  • Once the Lore Slot is unlocked, the character can fill the Lore Slot with a Lore Slot Ability which summon essences from the Well of the Furies in the form of vanquished foes to battle by your side. These pets are controllable using the Mastermind interface, even to non-Mastermind characters.

Incarnate stuff bypasses such stuff through some weird formula, it's not always 100 percent ignore, but it does go well beyond said diversification. So no, you did not waste. Reason I asked is, well, the in-game text clearly says that such-and-such amount of the Alpha Slot bonus bypasses.

The Lore Slot is one of the third 'levels' of the Incarnate System which launched with Issue 19. The Lore Slot includes an Incarnate Shift at higher tiers.

Lore Slot Benefits

The Lore Slot is unlocked by accumulating PsychicIncarnate Experience once the Judgement Slot is unlocked.

Once the Lore Slot is unlocked, the character can fill the Lore Slot with a Lore Slot Ability which summon essences from the Well of the Furies in the form of vanquished foes to battle by your side. These pets are controllable using the Mastermind interface, even to non-Mastermind characters. They spawn at -1 to the character's level, but inherit any Level Shift or Incarnate Shift the character possesses.

The Unlocking Process


The normal course of unlocking the Lore Slot follows this general plan:

  1. Accumulating 2,250,000 Psychic Incarnate Experience to unlock the Lore Slot.
  2. Determine which Lore Slot Ability works best for said character. That will determine which Incarnate Components are required to craft.
  3. Run Incarnate Trials, endgame Task Forces, or missions in Dark Astoria to get certain Incarnate Components. Alternatively, a character can accumulate enough Incarnate Threads from defeating level 50+ foes in order to craft the Components necessary.
  4. Craft and equip the Lore Slot Ability.
  5. The character can now work towards another or a higher tiered Lore Slot Ability.

Lore Slot Mechanics

  • Characters can switch between Lore Abilities by simply equipping a new ability. The old ability is not lost, but simply switched out. There is a 5 minute cool down between equips. Also, equipping an ability is prohibited by being in combat and may require additional cool down time or leaving the mission to equip.
    • The Lore Ability cannot be slotted or changed in Ouroboros.
  • Higher-tier Lore Abilities consume a lower tier ability when crafted. Characters can have several higher-tiered abilities, but if they're in the same 'tree', then they'll have to re-craft the lower tiered ability again for each higher-tiered ability they want to have.
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External Links

Incarnate System
Alpha ·Judgement ·Interface ·Lore ·Destiny ·Hybrid · Genesis · Mind · Vitae · Omega
Alpha ·Judgement ·Interface ·Lore ·Destiny ·Hybrid · Genesis · Mind · Vitae · Omega
Level Shift ·Incarnate Shift ·Incarnate Experience ·Incarnate Merit Vendors ·Team-Up Teleporter ·Global Enhancements
Incarnate Shard ·Incarnate Thread ·Incarnate Components ·Enhancement Catalyst ·Astral Merit ·Empyrean Merit ·Transcendent Merit
Heather Townshend ·Mu'Vorkan ·Max ·Praetor Duncan ·Sister Solaris ·Dream Doctor ·Ephram Sha (Hero) / Maharaj (Villain) ·Belladonna Vetrano ·Number Six
Behavioral Adjustment Facility (BAF) ·Lambda Sector (LAM) ·Keyes Island Reactor (KIR) ·The Underground (UGT) ·TPN Campus (TPN) ·Minds of Mayhem (MoM) ·Dilemma Diabolique (DD) ·Magisterium (MAG)
Incarnates ·Prometheus ·Well of the Furies ·Pandora's Box ·Message from Mender Ramiel
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To help keep task forces fun and heavily played the developers introduced the concept of the Weekly Strike Target back in between Issue 19 and Issue 20 in Issue 19.5. Each week a different task force or trial is declared the Weekly Strike Target. Depending on what the Weekly is there might be a different one for blueside and redside or if the task is co-op there will only be one. Below you will find the City of Heroes Weekly Strike Target schedule.

City Of Heroes Mastermind Alpha SlotCity of heroes mastermind alpha slot machine

For that week completing the task force will give you bonus rewards and there are even badges to be earned. The bonus rewards for most of the tasks are double the reward merits upon successful completion of the task. Additionally, if you are under level 50 you will receive approximately half a level of XP. If you are above level 50 and have the incarnate system unlocked you will be rewarded a Notice of the Well which is used in Rare and Very Rare Alpha Slot boosts. These rewards are only given once per week per character. However, there is a series of 3 badges that you can get for doing the weekly strike target repeatedly.

Assistant – Help a team complete a Weekly Strike Target even though you’ve already received the bonus for the week.
Backup – Help 10 teams
Partner – Help 50 teams

Accomplice – Help 1 Team
Confederate – Help 10 Teams
Conspirator – Help 50 Teams

Here are the Weekly Strike Targets for the City of Heroes Homecoming Servers. They may be different on other servers, but for the majority of players these are your Weeklys.

Week Beginning Aug 05, 2019:
• The Fall of the Clockwork King (Synapse, Level 15-20)
• Beast of the Mountain (Virgil Tarikoss, Level 15-20)

Week Beginning Aug 12, 2019:
• A Clamor for the People (Penelope Yin, Level 20-25)
• Pirates of the Skies (Silver Mantis, Level 20-25)

Week Beginning Aug 19, 2019:
• Citadel’s Children (Citadel, Level 25-30)
• Temple of the Waters (Operative Renault, Level 25-30)

Week Beginning Aug 26, 2019:
• Following Countess Crey (Manticore, Level 30-35)
• Tree of Thorns Respec #3 (Ractespriel, Level 44-50)

Week Beginning Sept 02, 2019:
• Soul of the Woodsman (Numina, Level 35-40)
• The Crystal of Seraphina (Ice Mistral, Level 35-40)

Week Beginning Sept 09, 2019:
• The Lady Grey TF (Lady Grey, Level 45-50)

Week Beginning Sept 16, 2019:
• The Kheldian War (MoonFire, Striga Level 23-28)
• Tree of Thorns Respec #1 (Sparcetriel, Level 24-33)
• Market Crash

Week Beginning Sept 23, 2019:
• Ms. Liberty TF (Ms. Liberty, Level 45-50)
• Future of Freedom (Lord Recluse, Level 45-50)

Week Beginning Sept 30, 2019:
• Alpha Strike (Apex, Level 50 + Alpha Slot)

Week Beginning Oct 07, 2019:
• The Praetorian Offensive (Tin Mage Mark II, Level 50 + Alpha Slot)

Week Beginning Oct 14, 2019:
• Explorer’s and Exploiters (Dr. Quaterfield, Level 40-44)
• Beast of the Mountain (Virgil Tarikoss, Level 15-20)

Week Beginning Oct 21, 2019:
• The Legend of Ruladak (Sara Moore, Level 40-50)
• Pirates of the Skies (Silver Mantis, Level 20-25)

Week Beginning Oct 28, 2019:
• The Saga of Faathim (Justin Augustine, Level 44-50)
• Temple of the Waters (Operative Renault, Level 25-30)

City Of Heroes Mastermind Alpha Slot Free Play

Week Beginning Nov 04, 2019:
• The Saga of Lanaru (Faathim the Kind, Level 44-50)
• The Crystal of Seraphina (Ice Mistral, Level 35-40)

Past City of Heroes Weekly Strike Target:

Week Beginning May 06, 2019:
• Return of the Reichsman (Dr. Kahn, Level 45-50)
• Thus Spoke the Reichsman (Barracuda, Level 45-50)

Week Beginning May 13, 2019:
• Terra Volta Respec #1 (Jane Hallaway, Level 24-33)
• Tree of Thorns Respec #1 (Sparcetriel, Level 24-33)

Week Beginning May 20, 2019:
• Terra Volta Respec #2 (James Harlan, Level 34-43)
• Tree of Thorns Respec #2 (Trepsarciel, Level 34-43)

Week Beginning May 27, 2019:
• Terra Volta Respec #3 (Richard Flagg, Level 44-50)
• Tree of Thorns Respec #3 (Ractespriel, Level 44-50)
• Market Crash

Week Beginning June 03, 2019:
• Explorer’s and Exploiters (Dr. Quaterfield, Level 40-44)
• Beast of the Mountain (Virgil Tarikoss, Level 15-20)

Week Beginning June 10, 2019:
• The Legend of Ruladak (Sara Moore, Level 40-50)
• Pirates of the Skies (Silver Mantis, Level 20-25)

Week Beginning June 17, 2019:
• The Saga of Faathim (Justin Augustine, Level 44-50)
• Temple of the Waters (Operative Renault, Level 25-30)

Week Beginning June 24, 2019:
• The Saga of Lanaru (Faathim the Kind, Level 44-50)
• The Crystal of Seraphina (Ice Mistral, Level 35-40)

Week Beginning July 01, 2019:
• The Sky is Falling (Admiral Sutter, Level 20-40)
• The Fire and the Flames (Mortimer Kal, Level 20-40)

City Of Heroes Mastermind Alpha Slot Machines

Week Beginning July 08, 2019:
• Time’s Arrow (Imperious, Level 35-50)

Week Beginning July 15, 2019:
• Cavern of Transcendence (Karsis, 12-15)
• Beast of the Mountain (Virgil Tarikoss, Level 15-20)

Week Beginning July 22, 2019:
• The Rule of Three (Positron, Level 10-15)
• Tree of Thorns Respec #1 (Sparcetriel, Level 24-33)
• Market Crash

City Of Heroes Mastermind Alpha Slot Game

Week Beginning July 29, 2019:
• Dam Hero (Positron, Level 11-16)
• Tree of Thorns Respec #2 (Trepsarciel, Level 34-43)