Nods Gambling Screen
Assessment Tools
Assessment Tools
Has there ever been a period when, if you lost money: gambling one day, you would return another day to get. NODS 14 Has your gambling ever caused serious or repeated: problems in your relationships with any of your family. Members or friends? A score of one or more is a positive screen. Brief Problem Gambling Screens! NODS-CLiP – Loss of Control: Have you ever tried to stop, cut down, or control your gambling? – Lying: Have you ever lied to family members, friends or others about.

Gerstein, Dean et al. The NORC DSM-IV Screen for Gambling (the NODS):
Gambling Impact and Behavior Study: report to the National Gambling Impact Study Commission. Submitted on April 1, 1999. Chicago: National Opinion Research Center.
This assessment tool was designed in the 1999 Gambling Impact and Behavior Study. A structured interview used to determine the prevalence of problem gambling in a population. The NODS consists of 17 questions intended to reflect the DSM-IV criteria It was developed and tested on non-clinical population, and is based upon DSM-IV criteria. Respondents to the NODS are classified as non-gamblers, low-risk, at risk, problem,
and pathological.
Nods Gambling Screen Keyboard Shortcut

Lesieur, Henry & Blume, Sheila. (1987). The South Oaks Gambling Screen: A new instrument for the identification of path-ological gamblers. In the American Journal of Psychiatry. Sep; Vol 144(9): 1184-1188.
The SOGS was originally developed to screen for gambling problems in clinical populations and is a scientifically reliable and valid instrument of 20 items based on DSM III criteria for pathological gambling. It has been the most widely used assessment screen for problem gambling by researchers and counsellors, though it has not been specifically validated for that use.

Shaffer, H.J., LaBrie, R., Scanlan, M. & Cummings, T.N. (1994). Pathological Gambling Among Adolescents: Massachusetts Gambling Screen (MAGS). Journal of Gambling Studies, 10 (4), 339-362.
The MAGS is a clinical tool that can be administered in a 5 to10 minute survey or interview. The MAGS presents an index of non-pathological (NPLG) and pathological (PLG) gambling based upon the criteria of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-IV (DSM-IV). Outcomes also outline the prevalence of a variety of social and emotional problems associated with adolescent gambling.
Turner, Nigel and Horbay, Roger. (1998). Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) Gambling Screen. Unpublished.
The CAMH Gambling Screen is primarily based on the SOGS and contains 7 items in total. The first 5 were adapted directly from the SOGS. Another item was developed by Turner and Horbay; and the final item determines the frequency of problem gambling. This tool was essentially developed to screen for problem gamblers, to determine if problem gambling is an issue and if there is a need for treatment.
Nods Gambling Screen Game
Winters, Ken C., Stinchfield, Randy & Fulkerson, Jayne. (1993). South Oaks Gambling Screen-Revised Adolescent (SOGS-RA): Patterns and characteristics of adolescent gambling. Journal-of-Gambling-Studies, 9 (4), 371-386.
The SOGS for adults was revised for adolescents by changing the wording
to draw on adolescent lingo and relevant situations.