Pay It Forward Fund Casino Night

Pay It Forward Fund Casino Night

$ to the Mission: EVERY PENNY CURE for IBD P.O. Box 602 Martinsville, NJ 08836 (844) IBD-4-IBD or (844) 423-4423 A 501(c)(3) Public Charity. SAVE THE DATE: Casino Night Friday, February 5th, 2021 Our 15th Casino Night really WAS a year to celebrate with a record $452K raised to pay essential household bills for breast and women's cancer patients. Dairy Queen ‘pay it forward’ chain pays for $10K worth of food in Minn. Iowa using $10M in virus aid to fund state police officers. Michigan cancels Saturday night football game with Iowa.

Happy International Pay It Forward Day! Yes, an international holiday totally worth celebrating. We decided to celebrate by sharing 5 of our favorite pay it forward companies. These world changers are paving the way for so many more entrepreneurs to create businesses that give back. Drumroll please Photo by Sanaz Photography. FUND IT FORWARD operates on a pay it forward model, which means volunteers raise money for future needs. Families in need of medical or adaptive equipment for their child need to engage in fundraising efforts as part of the application process. Each applicant is reviewed based on a number of criteria which includes fundraising efforts.

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Do you need to raise money?

For your school or for extracurricular activities? Or maybe you want to raise money for charity.

This past weekend I helped my son’s Cub group do some fundraising for much needed camping tents. Taking 6 young people around to collect bottles makes for an interesting day.

Going door to door fundraising taught the boys about work, entrepreneurial spirit and the need of funds to buy things. They encountered positives and negatives in their journey but they all handled it with manners and acceptance. I was very proud of their fundraising efforts.

Fundraising tips and tricks

Organization and planning is a must. The better the planning and organization the more profitable the activity. Simply putting out a jar with a note saying “I’m raising money” is not going to work.

Set your time, place and plan in motion. How much money do you need to raise? What are you doing with that money – what is your goal? What type of fundraising would best suit your group and your goal?

Figure out how much time you have to set your plan in motion? Are you doing this as a group or as an individual? Set some rules and guidelines. Store the funds raised in a responsible place.

Be aware that some people are just not financially able to support your fundraising events. Pay it forward. Have grace and be kind. Say thank you.


Below you will find a list of 50 fun and easy fundraising ideas you can use for your school fundraising, group fundraising or charity fundraising.

50 Fun & Easy Fundraising Ideas:

  1. Craft sale
  2. Bake sale
  3. Christmas cookie jar sale
  4. Donut sale
  5. Garage sale
  6. Bottle drive
  7. Flower sale
  8. Spring carnival
  9. Dinner fundraiser
  10. Sports game fundraiser
  11. Charity ball
  12. Prize draw
  13. Movie night
  14. Art in the park
  15. Selling popcorn
  16. Selling wrapping paper
  17. Selling pastries
  18. Crowdfunding
  19. Charity auctions
  20. Holiday wrapping events
  21. Community cookbooks
  22. Golf tournaments
  23. Walk/Run events
  24. Charity picnic
  25. Chili cook off
  26. Car wash
  27. Charity calendar
  28. Coin drive
  29. Christmas tree collection & mulch
  30. Lunch and learn
  31. Jeans day
  32. Fitness challenge
  33. Ice cream social
  34. Photo contest
  35. Book sale
  36. Charity concert
  37. Sport-a-thon
  38. Burger and beverage night
  39. Casino night
  40. Holiday pictures fundraiser
  41. Santa Breakfast
  42. Scavenger hunt
  43. Fantasy football
  44. BBQ cook off

make it unique

The 50 ideas above are just the tip of the list. What are you raising money for? Could you create a unique fundraising idea around your reason.

Pay It Forward Fund Casino Nights

For example my son’s group is raising money for camping supplies. They could always approach a local camping supply vendor and see if they could donate some camping supplies to raffle off. I could tell you right now I know 40 people who would buy those raffle tickets no matter the price – simply because it’s camping gear and raising money for kids camp.

Pay It Forward Fund Casino Nightcore

The same goes for most things. I am sure you know people who would support an arts fundraiser or a cooking fundraiser. The key is to relate to your audience. Show them the benefit of the fundraiser. What are they gaining and what is the group gaining.

Spread the word. More voices make for a louder audience. More voices means your fundraising idea travels farther and raises more funds. Get out, have fun, organize, raise funds and support.

Pay It Forward Fund Casino Night Club

Updated February 18, 2020

Pay It Forward Fund Casino Night

Fun and Easy Fundraising Ideas