Temporary Gambling Licence

If you want to use a premises that would not normally be used for gambling you need a permit from the council. Each licence costs £300.
Temporary Gambling License
License Status: Temporary Operating Permit - 5/4/2020. (Temporary Operating Permit) Hide Details. 6601 Bermuda Road Las Vegas, Nevada 89119. The conduct of gambling at a location in violation of Executive Order 20-99 could result in the suspension or revocation of your organization’s lawful gambling license. If your organization has multiple premises permits, your ability to conduct gambling, even at sites that did not violate the Executive Order, could be affected. 2020-112 2020-09R: Notice of Hearing for Consideration of Proposed Amendments to NGC Reg 12.060 Regarding, Without Limitation, Redemption of Chips and Tokens.
Who can apply
Anyone who is over 18 who intends to use a premises for gambling purposes.
How to apply
Temporary Gaming License
You need to apply at least three months before you want to hold your event. You will need to email an application form to cexlicensing@warrington.gov.uk
We will process your application as soon as possible. You can only use a premises for a maximum of 21 days within a 12 month period under a temporary use notice.